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Zebedee and Sons Fishing Co.

Business Advice from the Bible

As company leaders, we all too often forget that the most valuable source of information we have is from the Creator himself, and is found in His Word which is designed to guide us through all of life’s journeys. This includes even our businesses.

Zebedee and Sons Fishing Co.

Business Advice from the Bible

As company leaders, we all too often forget that the most valuable source of information we have is from the Creator himself, and is found in His Word which is designed to guide us through all of life’s journeys. This includes even our businesses.

  • Fresh Perspectives

    These fresh perspectives almost always come from listening to others.  Actively seeking support from people who think differently than you brings fresh energy to your issues.  This applies to product design, company operations, and just about everything else involving decision-making.

    April 8, 2024
  • Imposter Syndrome

    Biblical truth tells us that we belong to God through Jesus and are guaranteed a glorious inheritance by the Holy Spirit.  You are not an imposter; you are a child of God and are exactly as He wants you to be.

    April 1, 2024
  • Bucket Management

    Buckets are useful for analyzing our businesses.  They can be metaphors or physical instruments.  Regardless, the only important bucket is the one that contains Christ’s Truth, on which we can rely to run an honorable, sustainable business.

    March 25, 2024
  • Invented Problems

    With the number of problems in our culture, it is unnecessary to invent more.  We must focus on the issues and solve them using time-tested processes.  And the first step in solving these problems is relying on our Lord and Savior.

    March 18, 2024